
Monday 2 April 2012

Go Green This Holy Week!

This Holy Week, let's not forget to show Mother Earth a little kindness.

Instead of malling, watching movies or TV, playing internet games, texting, and using electronic gadgets that consume lots of your personal time, why not have your own personal retreat?

Instead of using your air-conditioner, why not hang out at a park and enjoy some fresh air with your loved ones?

Instead of buying bottled water all the time, why not buy your own water tumbler and have it refilled?

Instead of having your grocery packed in plastic, why not bring your own recyclable bags?

Instead of eating fast-food meals and consuming junkfood, why not eat healthier?

Remember, every choice you make has the potential to create a healthier body, a safer environment, and a balanced ecosystem.

Let's go green this Holy Week! :)

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